Flo Forms integration with Flex

Adding a Flo Form to Flex Block

In order to add a Flo Form to a flex block, click on the Add Element icon in your top bar. In the expanded bar click on the Flo Form element.

Next go to Flo Forms, click on the form you want to add to Flex and copy the form short code:

Insert the short code:

Note: With the free version of Flo Form inputs and labels do not have styles defined in the plugin, therefore they use the styles provided by the theme. With the exception of the button which has some styling settings (you can edit the color of the text & background) and therefore it's styled according to those settings. 
With Flo Forms Pro - the styling (colors & fonts) is inherited from the theme by default, but there are options for each form to activate custom colors and fonts. Therefore depending on the form settings, the styling can be dictated by the theme or the plugin settings.

That's why the Flo Form element can look different on the page vs the preview in the Flex Block editor. Try to adjust both: the height of the element and the block accordingly.

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