Flex Slideshow I How to use custom color options per slide (Override text and color)
This option is useful when you need to use a custom color for the text and arrows to ensure it is visible over the image.
In the example below we set the default slideshow text color as black (inside the Slide Text options), which applies to the text on ALL the slides/items.
To change this color to a custom one for a specific slide only, use the Override Text & Color option available inside the Slideshow Content -> Items -> pick the Item/Slide for which you want to change the text color:
Note that the text & arrows color changes depending on the image color: i.e. if you set your text and arrows to be white over a dark image and the default slideshow text color is black, when you place the text and arrows outside the image area, they will inherit the default black color set to the element.
Note, the Override Text & Color option ties your text and arrow elements to that specific image. Meaning, if your default color is set to black (inside the Slide Text area), and you override it to white for one specific slide/image. Once you move your text and arrow elements outside that slide/image they inherit their default color, which is black. Move them back on the slide/image, and they display the override color, which is white.
This is helpful, when you want to have a slightly different layout on desktop vs. mobile. See examples below.