The Next & Prev. of Pagination

The Flo Item Pagination block enables you to customize an essential element of your user’s experience with your website - navigating between posts and galleries.

This block can be added to your Global Post OR Gallery Layout.

To apply the Flo Item Pagination block, start by going to your Flotheme tab, and into Layouts.

From there, click into the layout you want to add the block to, and choose the Edit option.

Once you decide where exactly on the page you wish to place the block, click on the Add Block button, and find the block through the search function.

Once you’ve placed the block, you will see a wide variety of customization options available to you.

We have two choices for Pagination types - Original, which is text-only, and Image Type. And both of them come with a specific set of customization options.

Original Type Pagination

The Original Pagination type has the option to enable the Sticky function. Doing so will have the Next/Prev. labels travel together with the page when a user scrolls through it.

You also have the option to change the text for the Next/Prev. labels, in the fields below.

Image Type Pagination

When it comes to the Image Pagination type, we have several more options. Disabling Show featured images will take away the images in your block. Disabling Show Taxonomy will turn off the categories that display above the Next/Prev. labels. And disabling Show Prev. Next Labels will turn labels off.

And just like before, you also have the option to change the text for the Next/Prev. labels, in the fields below.

Due to the fact that this Pagination type employs images, it does not have the option to become Sticky.

Besides that, you also have the possibility to customize the Labels and Taxonomy fonts, as well as the color of the Items and Block Background.

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