Flex Admin Page
To see the Flex Admin Page in your dashboard you need to have the theme activated/updated & update your Flex Block plugin to the latest version available.
Flex Admin includes 3 sections:
- My Account - here you'll find your account information (Order Key, Purchases, Global Style Kit).
- Style Kits - includes the style kits listing.
Click Explore to find all style kits created by Flothemes. Use the filter or search functionality to navigate through the style kits.
Installed tab - to find your Global Style Kit as well as any other style kit you installed and applied on other pages.
Your Custom Style Kit as well as any other custom style kits that you create are located under the Custom tab.
- Edit Style - here you can edit fonts & colors for your Global Style Kit.
If you're just starting with style kits, go to your Flex Admin page and add the Order Key. Synchronize your data to refresh the style kits library and see your purchases.
The next step is installing and applying your Global Style Kit. You can check a step by step tutorial on the onboarding process here.